Unrolling lines:Celia Kent.png

When I'm lost in train station mazes, I lose not only where I'm going and how to get there but a little of myself. This exhibition showcases ink on paper and tape on wall is inspired by:

Cuadrados y ángulos 
By Alfonsina Storni

Casas enfiladas, casas enfiladas,
casas enfiladas.
Cuadrados, cuadrados, cuadrados.
Casas enfiladas.
Las gentes ya tienen el alma cuadrada,
ideas enfila
y ángulo en la espalda.
Yo misma he vertido ayer una lágrima,
Dios mio, cuadrada.

Squares and angles
Translated by Willis Knapp Jones

Houses in a line, in a line,
in a line there.
Squares, squares, squares.
Houses in a line.
Even people now have square souls,
Ideas in file, I declare,
And on their shoulders, angles wear.
Just yesterday I shed a tear and it
Oh, God, was square!

